Breastfeeding in conflict settings to save lives

  • News
  • 05 Jun. 2018

New research aims to save the lives of babies living through conflict and in refugee situations by helping their mothers continue breastfeeding.

The study is being conducted by The Aga Khan University in Pakistan and the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada with funding from FLRF.

Acute malnutrition due to interrupted breastfeeding is one of the main reasons infants die during violent conflict and displacement. The researchers aim to identify the most effective ways to help mothers breastfeed during these crises, and thus save infant lives.

This new research is part of a larger project investigating how to best deliver reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition interventions in conflict and refugee settings. Findings from the study are expected to be published in early 2019.

Find more project details here or in the press release below.

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